Portfolio > Cognizant

This is an image of an percievably empty gallery. The Gallery has three white walls and a glass front facing wall. On the walls you can kind of tell there are dark spots like there might be work on them, but nothing is hanging on the wall.
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This image shows an empty gallery. Lights are focused at the point on the wall where one would expect paintings. There are 7 lights on the right and left wall and 2 on the far wall. Around each light there is an story engraved into the wall. Some of the s
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The image shows the left wall. There are seven lights focused on the wall at where one would expect a painting. The stories are engraved into the wall at different heights. Some at the highest points and others at the lowest points of the wall.
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The image is of the right wall of the gallery. There are 7 spot lights all focused on the correct placement of a painting if there was a painting hanging on the wall. There aren't any paintings hanging on the wall. Near each of the focus points there are
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A Craving Knocks is a story engraved into the gallery wall. The story is of an insulation done a month prior to the show.
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A Muffled Knock is a story engraved into the gallery wall. The story is of an insulation done a month prior to the show.
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A Secret Light is a story engraved into the gallery wall. The story is of an insulation done a month prior to the show.
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Steps From The Past is a story engraved into the gallery wall. The story is of an insulation done a month prior to the show.
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Focus Point is a story engraved into the gallery wall. The story is of an insulation done a month prior to the show.
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Indoor Gust Of Wind is a story engraved into the gallery wall. The story is of an insulation done a month prior to the show.
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Glimmer of Light is a story engraved into the gallery wall. The story is of an insulation done a month prior to the show.
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Light Between is a story engraved into the gallery wall. The story is of an insulation done a month prior to the show.
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Lights Path is a story engraved into the gallery wall. The story is of an insulation done a month prior to the show.
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Pause Of Light is a story engraved into the gallery wall. The story is of an insulation done a month prior to the show.
Mixed Media

In the spring of 2022, I placed wall installations in 15 local Madison, Wisconsin businesses. The works were inserted into the walls of these establishments, creating lights and noises incongruous to the environment they inhabit. Most people walked by these artworks, ignorant of the magical experience right next to them. For the very few who saw the installations, a small enchanting moment invited viewers out of their environment and into an instance of questioning. These junctures of inquiry are of great interest to me. The invasive artworks created brief seconds of unexpected art viewing, blurring the line between when we expect to be looking at art and when we are operating within everyday life.

I play with the moments between our realities: where the ground shifts beneath our feet, and we find ourselves suddenly transported into a different world, where the extraordinary makes us question what we believe to be actual. The existence we define for ourselves curates our experiences around us. In this circumstance, many did not experience these improbable moments of intervention.

This exhibition gave those who missed the art a moment to read about the spectacle outside of their perception the month prior. It now gives those outside of Madison, Wisconsin, 2022 a moment to experience the unavailing of perception. The words you read or listen to are the voices of the secret keepers who have watched the art being discovered.